Daily Rental

You need to make a reservation first by calling 715-967-2067 before filling out this form.


You must check-in during lodge hours. Parking of campers is not allowed after the lodge is closed.

Names of all guests including children

Pet Information

Camper Information

CAMPSITE: All campers must check in at the lodge on arrival. Check in allowed at 2 PM on the reservation date. Check out is 11 AM on the departure date. There is no parking of camping units after sunset. All early check in or check out’s will be charged $5 an hour/per person only if campsite is vacant and ready and you have obtained prior approval.

CAMPING RATES AND OCCUPANCY: Campsites are allowed one camping unit with one adult and their legal dependents or up to six adults. Anyone who is over the age of 18 and is not a legal dependent is considered a guest in which additional fees may apply. Campsites can not exceed six people.

DAY VISITORS OF OUR CAMPING GUESTS: Day visitors must register at the office per atate law and pay the $10 per person fee. No more than four visitors allowed per site. No pets are allowed with day visitors. Only one vehicle allowed with day guests and must be parked in assigned parking areas. Day visitors must leave the campground by 10 PM.

PETS: Only with Sand Haven Campground approval and a signed pet agreement will two dogs or cats be allowed. The campground welcomes service animals. A service animal is an animal trained to do specific work for a human. The campground is not required to accommodate "emotional support" or "comfort" animals and will not do so.

Renter and all members of their party agree, understand, and accept that the renter:

  • assumes full financial responsibility for all damage and/or loss of income caused to any property of Sand Haven Campground while in the renter's control.
  • agrees to abide by all rules and regulations as posted. Sand Haven Campground reserves the right to make modifications to the rules and regulations. By signing below, camper(s) acknowledge that they have read this contract and a copy of the rules and regulations and can request a copy of the rules and regulations at any time
  • All non-payment and/or default status of account balances are subject to all additional fees incurred above the balance due.

*Typing your name here constitutes a digital signature and agreement terms listed above.